I have a good list of tools you can use for websites. Many include html editors, graphics programs, and handy tools people would find very useful. Since I named programs such as Paint Shop Pro, TopStyle, And Dreamweaver, I suppose I will name some good old fashioned freeware. Yes... Freeware. These programs listed below are very very good. The editors alone, are exceptional. Also included are html, dhtml, css, and other tutorial downloads.
There is plenty to say about this editor. It highlights, allow preview in browser, easy to switch to files, and is 4 outta 5 stars if you ask me. Its fast, small download, and well worth it. This is 4.0. 5.0 is now in java. Try it out. Its color coded and easy to navigate.
This validates your html. Checks for errors, misspelled tags, tags highlighted, lines numbered and much much more. This is worth it just for the validator, but its another 4/5 star editor. So, I'd advise this 100%! Not just for the Validator, but for the powerful editing ability.
HTML-Kit was one of the best html editing programs I came about using, until I switched to Notepad :-). I'd recommend this quite a bit. This is 4 and a half stars. It includes: lots of insertable tags, highlights text, customizable, spell check and very easy to use. I'd rate this up top with Dreamweaver.
1st Page 2000 is an advanced editor. It has spell check, highlights text, has insertable scripts, has modes of use based on knowledge. This is one of the best free editors out there. Its free, so get your copy while you can, this is a must for beginners to experts alike.
Goldshell is a good icon editor. It can also make cursors. You can use it for IE icon bar. This means you can replace the standard: with whatever you want. For more information, and how to implement it in your website, visit: Favicon.com
These are two products that might be useful. Theres a meta-tag generator and an email encoder. The meta tag product makes... well meta tags. These help search engines find you. The other product, encodes your email so web bots can't send you spam. (You could make a regular picture link of your email... but what about everyone who doesn't use images? You can turn them off in IE, Mozilla, and text browsers alike...)
Note-tab lite is a program thats supposed to replace well... notepad. Notepad is my lover, so this is just a program I look at say: haha you notepad wanna be. But besides the whore nature of the program, its rated 3 and a half stars. It includes minor tag inserts, option of using a program called Tidy from w3c.org, and other options. Its worth a try.
TuturialsI've decided to look up a few references on the net. I downloaded them. And glanced at them. They appear to be useable. (Why look at something you know, other than for a quick reference?). There is of course, an CSS tuturial. You can get it "HERE" There is of course, a general web design tuturial. You can get it "HERE" (NOTE: THIS FILE IS NEARLY 2MB) There is of course, a forms tuturial. You can get it "HERE" There is of course, an DHTML tuturial. You can get it "HERE" These are tuturials I searched for. I found them on various sites. They are how I downloaded them. I did not make them. I do not take credit for them. They are for your convienence, not mine. So enjoy them, and learn learn learn. Recommended sites: I reccommend Webmonkey.com Just search for what you need, and you will most likely find an online lesson for your needs. It doesn't just cover html, but other languages, flash, and soooooooo much other stuff. Another would have to be Dynamicdrive.com. This site includes many DHTML scripts for your use. Please, do not over do it with eleven-twenty scripts per page. Its actually very useful. I HAVE to reccommend Download.com. You can find any darned thing your mind can think of here. (Except illegal stuff, such as Warez, Cracks, Hacks, KeyGens, Full Progs, Proz, virii, virus, virus programs, Porn, and other garbo we all know about, probably used, and other stuff.) I will not endorse these types of programs, hacks, cracks, serialz, and the like. Warez is illegal full version programs :-). Good bye lol.
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