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Welcome to Jaz's Place. My website is a place for my writings and I suppose a few things I find of interest.

Click here for an introduction.

Why not visit the "Site News" section for any new updates, or anything I feel like blabbin' about.

Are you interested in getting started with web site design? Ever think website making was to much of a task? I GUESS this is the right place to be. I have various FREEWARE programs (Translation: FREE PROGRAMS, DON'T HAVE TO PAY A SINGLE RED CENT!) and a couple of non free ones to get you started. The good thing is, is I'm a kid, so I can't pay for a single thing. So you know I have all the programs you need to get started! What about beginner and advanced site resources? I had to start somewhere. And you need not look anywhere else! Cuz' "Site Related" is the place to be. Feel the urge to become a webmaster?? Click "here".


Jaz's Place Copyright 1999-2003