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Adshield is a program meant to work with Internet explorer. It blocks ads simply put.

I came across this program a few months ago, probably around early September. Before that I've used various other programs, never getting the same results.

Good thing I discovered it :-). Saves me annoying 'seconds' of pain.

Since Adshield (Located Here) is no longer free, and I found it impossible to find the old version on the net, I decided to post a download here.


Its in zip format. Go to Download.com, search for zip archivers, and download a zip util if you do not already have one.

Lets go through a few steps in gettin the darned thing installed. Now remember, this is for Internet Explorer only. It doesn't effect any other browser at all.

Step one: Go to Adshield.org, download the program. Save it to disk. Since its no longer free, you might want to try the free version up top.

Step Two: When the download complete dialog is done, click on Open. If it closes, go the the folder you downloaded the program, and double click its setup Icon. This should pop up:

Step Three: Click yes. Follow the directions on your screen. Install it in its default directory. And start it up.

Step Four: It should say restart. If it does, do so. Then double click your internet explorer icon on the desktop. You should see the following:

Click the 'Ad' icon representing Adshield. The following should appear:

You see all the ad sites? Well, the program didn't include them, some kind of... issue. But, if you'd like, you can take my list from here. The instructions on importing it are in the zip file.

Now that you have a vast amount of ad sites blocked, you still happen to see ADS! Well, you can block them still, by right clicking an image and selecting add to block list. When you do this, you will see this pop up:

Select if you want to block the site, the directory or the plain image. If nothing is highlighted, it will prompt if you want to select all.

The other things you need to know are pretty much in the readme file in Start->Program Files->AdShield->and the HTML file.

You can turn off blocking images, pages, page caching, popups, and everything else from the Adshield menu as seen in the past Steps. Its pretty self explanatory!

So Happy ad blocking, and Happy Surfin'!

Any questions? Comments? Email ME!!!!

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